Message From The President
Message From The President

Prof. Dr. Mweene Omedy
The President
Dear Visitor,
The communities in which we live and work are going through deep and transformative change. SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY exists to create transformative experiences for our students, getting them ready for life and work, and to help shape the world with research, innovation, teaching and engagement. SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY has a unique approach to meeting the challenge of being ready for life and work: we offer an education deeply grounded in ideas and cross-disciplinary understanding, applied through innovative, enterprising practice to solving problems and meeting the needs of our community.
This approach is well-captured in SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY’s founding motto, “Leave to Serve”. It is just as apt in the 21st century as it was in the mid-19th, and it leads us to the driving focus of SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY’s next chapter: “Ready for life and work”. As a University, we must remake ourselves in ways that are true to our founding purpose and embrace the disruptive changes taking place around us. Renewal means supporting our students, staff and partners to adapt to a changing economy and society so that SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY contributes to sustainable prosperity and responds successfully to changing demands, funding pressures and global opportunities.
In our strategic plan, we lay out the values, goals, directions and priorities that we will pursue together over the next five years, in order to transform the ways we work and learn to achieve innovative, sustainable impact in the communities that we work with. In the great tradition of SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY, we must empower everyone to thrive in an exciting new era. “Everyone” includes Zambian, international students, students with a disability, students of all ages, staff and partners – academic, professional and industry-based, across all our campuses – everyone involved in SUPERSHINE UNIVERSITY. Our goal is to offer life-changing experiences, and to shape the world with the talent, knowledge and learning capability that we share. .
With best wishes
Prof. Dr. Omedy Mweene
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